March Meeting
Our first meeting of the year will be on Monday 17th March 2025, starting at 7:30pm, at Allerton Congregational Church, 345 Allerton Road, BD15 7HB.
Our first meeting of the year will be on Monday 17th March 2025, starting at 7:30pm, at Allerton Congregational Church, 345 Allerton Road, BD15 7HB.
A Christmas workshop led by Gerry Sayers on Monday 9th December, starting at 7:30pm, at Allerton Congregational Church, 345 Allerton Road, BD15 7HB. Gerry demonstrated a Christmas wreath and her colleague, Sandra, showed us how to create a beautiful table arrangement. Both members, and our numerous guests, enjoyed making their own creations and, in between, sampling the delicious fuddle, mulled wine and hot drinks. What a wonderful way to finish our Flower Club year. In addition, during the evening members…
A flower demonstration by Karen Longbottom on Monday 18th November, starting at 7:30pm, at Allerton Congregational Church, 345 Allerton Road, BD15 Unfortunately this meeting was cancelled at very short notice owing to the snow.
A flower demonstration by Susan Fairhurst on Monday 21st October, starting at 7:30pm, at Allerton Congregational Church, 345 Allerton Road, BD15 7HB. Susan’s demonstration certainly lived up to her title, ‘Creativity’. Her use of recycled and upcycled materials and containers along with the choice of foliage and colours made for beautiful designs.
A flower demonstration by Sue Maddocks on Monday 16th September, starting at 7:30pm, at Allerton Congregational Church, 345 Allerton Road, BD15 7HB. Sue both delighted and entertained us all with her imaginative, colourful and inspirational designs. Sue both delighted and entertained us all with her imaginative, colourful and inspirational designs.
A workshop led by Norma Dobney on Monday 19th August, starting at 7:30pm, at Allerton Congregational Church, 345 Allerton Road, BD15 7HB. Norma demonstrated inspirational traditional and modern designs. Members and guests then went on to create their own arrangements. A very enjoyable but different type of club night.
A flower demonstration by Janine Gray on Monday 15th July, starting at 7:30pm, at Allerton Congregational Church, 345 Allerton Road, BD15 7HB. Janine’s demonstration entitled, ‘In the Pink’ was excellent. Her arrangements were delightful and imaginative. A very enjoyable evening was had by all.
A flower demonstration by Jacqui Owen on Monday 17th June, starting at 7:30pm, at Allerton Congregational Church, 345 Allerton Road, BD15 7HB. Unfortunately, this meeting was cancelled owing to unforeseen circumstances.
A flower demonstration by Kay Ford on Monday 20th May, starting at 7:30pm, at Allerton Congregational Church, 345 Allerton Road, BD15 7HB. Kay’s demonstration, ‘A Brush With Colour’, was based on famous artists through the ages. She started with Aboriginal art and finished with Van Gogh. In between she created arrangements reflecting work by Klimt, Jackson Pollock and the Old Dutch Masters. A very enlightening and entertaining evening all round.
A talk by Jill and Martin Fish on Monday 22nd April, starting at 7:30pm, at Allerton Congregational Church, 345 Allerton Road, BD15 7HB We all enjoyed this evening’s talk, ‘From the Garden to the Menu ‘which was both interesting and entertaining. Even experienced gardeners learned something new. However, the best bit was tasting the recipes at the end and being able to buy a jar or two of their homemade preserves, chutneys and relishes to take home.
A flower demonstration by Eileen Barraclough on Monday 18th March, starting at 7:30pm, at Allerton Congregational Church, 345 Allerton Road, BD15 7HB Eileen’s title, ‘A Shed Full of Treasures’ was very appropriate. She delighted us with an array of vibrant colours and beautiful spring flowers. Her containers certainly were imaginative and I’m sure the more adventurous arrangers among our membership will now start collecting empty paint tins for future use.
A flower demonstration by Alex Gracey on Monday 18th December, starting at 7:30pm, at Allerton Congregational Church, 345 Allerton Road, BD15 7HB Alex’s Title, ‘It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas’, was a perfect description for her very entertaining and imaginative demonstration. In particular, her use of containers and insulating board were inspirational.
A flower demonstration by Judy Watker on Monday 20th November, starting at 7:30pm, at Allerton Congregational Church, 345 Allerton Road, BD15 7HB Judy’s inspired title, ‘Just Because…’ gave rise to delightful arrangements. Each one was just because she had been given the container or she liked a particular place. Her use of flowers was both excellent and imaginative. We all enjoyed an entertaining and informative evening ‘just because’ Judy came to demonstrate!
Monday 16th October 2023A talk by Martin Fish about his experiences of being a RHS judge, starting at 7:30pm, at Allerton Congregational Church, 345 Allerton Road, Bradford, BD15 7HB. Martin Fish gave a very informative and entertaining talk about his experiences of being a judge for the Royal Horticultural Society at all their national shows such as Chelsea or Tatton Park.
A flower demonstration by Norma Dobney on Monday 18th September, starting at 7:30pm, at Allerton Congregational Church, 345 Allerton Road BD15 7 HB Norma’s demonstration, ‘Flowers Through the Seasons’, certainly lived up to the title. Her imaginative arrangements covered all four seasons. Having begun by beautifully recreating Bonfire Night, Norma resisted the temptation to finish with a Christmas arrangement and, instead, her winter icicles, cold and frosty arrangement was very well received by all.
An indoor garden party. We are encouraging members and their guests to wear summer dresses as they enjoy home made refreshments and try their luck on the tombola. Three of our members will also be demonstrating simple arrangements and everyone will be encouraged to have a go themselves. This should be a lovely evening whatever the weather. Our Summertime meeting was a big success and enjoyed by both regular members and our numerous guests. Thanks to Sovereign Healthcare we were…
A flower demonstration by Karen LongbottomDate: Monday 17th July Time: 7:30 pmVenue: Allerton Congregational Church, Allerton Road, Bradford, BD15 7HB Karen’s theme was to encourage the less experienced of us to try some of her arrangements at home. With this in mind she made imaginative use of garden flowers and foliage and seasonally blooms. Her entertaining chat was also well received. Several of our newer members said that they had been given the confidence to out her designs for themselves…
Carys Harrison – Have Passport, Will TravelCarys’ demonstration was both very entertaining and imaginative. Her first arrangement linked her native Wales with Japan through rugby. After this intriguing start her arrangements evoked visits to China, India and Seoul in South Korea.
A flower demonstration by Christine HinchcliffeMonday 15th May at Allerton Congregational Church at 7:30pm A Taste Of IndiaThrough Christine’s varied designs we experienced life in the Golden Triangle of India. Members were particularly impressed by her incorporation of ginger plant flowers. Her arrangements also made effective use of orchids. A truly exotic evening was enjoyed by all.
A flower demonstration by Vanessa WellockMonday 19th December 2022