March Meeting 2020

March Meeting 2020

“Gardens to Delight the Senses” Talk by Sarah Hopps
Monday 16th March at 7.30pm with refreshments following the demonstration
Haworth Road Methodist Church.

Sarah gave us wonderful insights into her many plants she had brought to our club night. Where best to plant them, which plant would complement another and in some cases a brief history of their origin. She then followed this up with some lovely slides of gardens and places she had visited on her tours.

At the end of the evening members were given the chance to buy any of her produce and given hints and tips as to what soil and weather conditions would be best for their plant.

As it turned out this was to be our last meeting before the covid19 lockdown was imposed.

The club hopes to back up and running when Government allows and we can provide a safe as possible environment for our members.



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