November Club Demonstration 2011

November Club Demonstration 2011

Andrew Mason provide the November Club demonstartion and his title was ‘Dreaming of a White Christmas’.

 Andrew gave a very entertaining and amusing demonstration and started the evening by showing us how to tie a ribbon bow.  He staged 6 arrangements all in green and white; flowers used were – lilies, roses, carnations, gerberas, chrysanthemums and with a good variety of greenery.

 1      For his first staging Andrew made a wreath for a door.  He had already prepared part of the wreath with cupress and quickly filled in with white flowers and more greenery.  He then ‘produced’ a white door from behind a drape and hung the wreath in festive fashion on the door – very dramatic!

 2      Andrew’s next arrangement was in a white basket in a triangle shape and when this was completed he produced another made earlier, to complement the first.

 3      A fantastic piece of wood was the centrepiece for the next arrangement which encompassed three tiers linked with trailing ivy and greenery.

 4      Lilies, carnations, gerberas and lysianthus were the focal point for the next huge triangle which Andrew stage on a pedestal and hung with lights.

 5      The next staging was in a tall glass vase filled with baubles.  On this were twigs hung with baubles and lilies, gerberas and carnations were the flowers used.

 6      The finale was a magnificent centrepiece of three large bamboo poles with fatsias, palm, lilies, carnations, and gerberas.

 The stage looked stunning and quite dramatic with the contrast of green and white. 

 Andrew drew the cards for the flowers and 13 happy members and guests were able to take home an arrangement.

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